
A Successful Trapping Event

The picture of the hawk on top of the pole is a picture the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) sent to our Kansas Hawking Club after someone in the area noticed a leather strap hanging from one of the hawks talons.  We sent the image to other groups that were at the same event previously and Alan Pope from Indiana recognized his bird and decided to head to western Kansas to see if he can call him back home.

Indiana Falconers Association club vice-president, Alan Pope drove 18 hours to get to western Kansas, not knowing if his bird would be there or not.  Tommy Kinsch (creator of the Original Hawk Trap) met Alan at general location to see if they can call the bird back.   With no success, they decided to use Tommy’s Custom Handmade Hawk Trap to see if the hawk would respond and as you can see, it did.

It was very easy for the hawk to see the mice in the trap and to get tangled in its snares.  It’s also easy to reset the snares after a successful trapping and trap another bird.